Surveillance Technology

Surveillance Technology

Surveillance technology plays a major part in today's security industry. Our high-tech surveillance system can protect your property from theft and burglars. We can also provide monitoring of your facility from our state-of-the-art central command centerto further improve on safety.

Our surveillance technology includes Modern CCTV cameras, Sublethal Gun Cameras (cameras that come with the ability to scare intruders away with a paintball gun), intruder alarm system, and drone surveillance.

Our security camera systems give your property round-the-clock protection wherever you need it. Our high-quality camera systems will allow you to identify anyone in the vicinity quickly, and ensure that nothing goes unnoticed.

Those who have experienced a tragedy from robbers, theft or other illegal acts by intruders likely understand the importance of security surveillance now more than ever. However, if you have not experienced such an event, do yourself a favour to prevent it from occurring by contacting us today.

Following installation, Hogan Technologies’ team of security and IT experts will train you and your staff, as applicable, on exactly how to use the newly installed surveillance system.

If you have any questions in the future, we will happily provide phone support at no extra charge to clients.